Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Back Pain Relief Achieved Through Weight Loss

Obesity is host to a myriad of illness and disease - but few people associate the connection between their love handles and their back pain.

Could it be possible that you could find total back pain relief simply by shedding a few extra pounds? Absolutely.

More than 65% of adults in the United States are overweight and obese - and, if I was to take a guess, I'd make a bet that almost every one of those people have had at least one experience with back pain.

In addition to carrying that extra mid-section bulge - the very cause of the weight gain (poor eating habits and lack of proper exercise) is often directly associated with many of the same causes of back pain (poor eating habits and lack of proper exercise).

You see, people are too quick to jump to conclusions - popping toxic drugs or electing for dangerous surgeries - believing that their pain is the problem ... instead of looking at all the possible causes of back pain.

Certainly there are a lot more factors than just weight loss, but it's important to know that all pain is a sign that something is wrong and needs to be addressed. If excess weight is your cause - it might be a good time to consider losing some of that extra belly fat - not only will this help you find back pain relief - but you'll have more energy, a higher quality of life, feel better, think more clearly, and open the doors for even greater possibility.

Inside the book, Powerful Strategies for Back and Neck Pain Relief, I go over an "anti-diet" way of eating for optimal health and back pain relief. Check it out ... if you don't like for any reason, just email me within 1 year of purchase and I'll send you all your money back. It's a no brainer.

To your great health,


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