Friday, September 26, 2008

Neck & Back Pain | The Body's Natural Ability to Heal

Hi All ...

Here's something to think about ...

Neck Pain and Back Pain Relief: Proven Treatment Solutions:

"Somewhere along the journey of life, people lost sight of the body’s unique and powerful ability to heal oneself and, rather than listening to the body – we’ve been duped into thinking that the only way to ‘heal back pain’ is to take toxic medication or have dangerous surgeries.

Modern medicine is helpful and necessary in countless situations. However, its biggest downfall is the constant disregard of the natural healing ability of the body. So much time, money and research is spent looking for outside solutions, when most healing solutions come from within. Need a reminder of how your body heals itself?

Scabs are the most visual reminder that we have as humans as to the body’s amazing ability to heal itself.

However, there exists a perverse and false belief that, though small cuts and bruises are easily healed, anything larger is outside of our natural healing abilities and requires medical attention."

To your great health,

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