Friday, September 12, 2008

Neck and Shoulder Pain: Everyday Tips for Pain Free Living

Hi All,

In general, we've found the following article very helpful and a valuable read.

One thing that I believe the article neglected to mention was that neck pain can also be caused by nutritional factors (such as - did you know hydrogenated oils can often cause neck pain?), emotional factors (ever notice your body getting tight when you get stressed?) and, of course, physical factors (posture, injury and accidents are the most common).

Regardless, I believe the following link will give you a great understanding of some 'common sense' tips for prevention and neck pain relief.

HEALTHbeat extra: 8 Tips to ease neck and shoulder pain: "Do your neck and shoulders feel stiff when you awake in the morning? Or do they seize painfully with no warning? If so, you have plenty of company. Doctors estimate that seven out of 10 people will be troubled by neck pain at some point in their lives, often causing daily aching in the neck and shoulder area.

Sometimes pain starts with the bang of a rear-end collision, but more often, the neck and its surrounding structures begin to ache after years of normal use, overuse, and misuse. Without knowing it, you may be encouraging neck and shoulder pain by the way you perform everyday activities. In general, try to keep your neck in a neutral position, which means your head balances directly over your shoulders and is not leaning forward or cocked to one side."

To your great health,

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