Monday, August 4, 2008

Is Your Chronic Back and Neck Pain Making You Depressed?

Depression, Anxiety and Stress Often Accompany Chronic Back and Neck Pain Conditions: "Depression, anxiety and stress come with the chronic pain territory. Researchers estimate that accompanying depression and anxiety occur in 20% to 50% of patients with chronic pain.2 If you experience chronic pain, your emotions and moods may be strongly influenced by the underlying physiology associated with your condition."

That's a concerning statement and, yes, our experience concludes similar results - so ... what do you do about it?

You may be surprised to learn that research has determined that a large percentage of back and neck pain candidates experience pain in their spine as a result of a traumatic experience (abuse, injury, stress, etc).

This experience is often viewed as the catalyst for the pain when - though this is partially correct - the catalyst is often the psychological association to the experience that subconsciously creates either temporary or chronic pain conditions.

For example, ever been so stressed your chest hurt or perhaps your lower back? Ever been so mad that your neck began to tighten? That's just a couple examples which we may be consciously aware of emotions triggering discomfort in our bodies.

Back and Neck Pain is not the same for everyone - certainly some people may experience pain due to an injury or illness, but most often the 'cause' is misunderstood.

With that said, it's important to have a working set of tools and techniques to create a pain free and healthy back and neck.

To your boundless health,

PS For a complete set of strategies including a free special report - check out!

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