Friday, January 2, 2009

Back pain relief: Insoles don’t solve the problem

Here's an article featured on - Enjoy!

Why orthotics do not help your back --- HealthandAge:

"So you purchased those sole insoles for back pain relief and things are beginning to feel better? The truth is, those comfy, squishy foot pads are not a realistic long-term back pain relief solution. In fact, they will probably make your back pain worse in the long term. There is more to back pain relief, and it's not difficult to get the complete solution.

Although insoles may provide some back pain relief, experts warn that insoles and orthotic inserts only briefly alleviate back pain symptoms. They are not a back pain relief treatment in and of themselves. While arch supports, insoles and orthotics may provide support where foot problems do affect back pain, they do not address the core problem. In fact they may tend to make things worse."

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