Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Doctors Find Back Pain Relief By Prescribing Placebos!?

Hi All,

For years, we've been studying the body's natural ability to heal itself. In the past, when we shared this information, many people from the traditional medical community looked at us as if we had two heads ... however, it appears that modern medicine might be making a significant change in their viewpoint on back pain relief by believing that the human body is, in fact, capable of self healing!

Doctors are Using Placebos More: About Half Prescribe Placebos, 60% Believe It's Ethically Acceptable Spine-Health:

"62% of physicians believe that the practice of prescribing a placebo (giving a patient a treatment that has no theraputic benefit while allowing the patient to believe there is one) is ethically permissible.

When prescribing placebos, doctors usually give a patient over the counter analgesics (41%), vitamins (38%), and sometimes antibiotics or sedatives (13% each)

Doctors usually describe the placebo as potentially beneficial medicine or a treatment not usually associated with their condition (68%)

Only 5% of physicians explicitly describe them as placebos"

To your great health,

PS Are you accidently making a mistake that could actually prevent your body from healing? Be sure to click here for the free special reoprt on => Everyday Mistakes that May Actually Prevent Your Neck and Back from Healing.

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