Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Shocking Lower Back Pain Statistics

Cruising the internet, I came across some shocking statistics on lower back pain.

Reading this, one can't help but ask "If we're supposed to know more about back pain than any other point in history, why is the condition getting worse?"

... and, in my opinion, it's because most of these professionals over-look the body's powerful ability to heal itself by searching for an artificial means of providing back and neck pain relief.

Pathophysiology of Chronic Back Pain: - eMedicine:

"Approximately 80% of Americans experience LBP [lower back pain] during their lifetime.

An estimated 15-20% develop protracted pain, and approximately 2-8% have chronic pain.

Every year, 3-4% of the population is temporarily disabled, and 1% of the working-age population is disabled totally and permanently because of LBP [lower back pain].

LBP [lower back pain] is second only to the common cold as a cause of lost work time; it is the fifth most frequent cause for hospitalization and the third most common reason to undergo a surgical procedure.

Productivity losses from chronic LBP [lower back pain] approach $28 billion annually in the United States."

Shocking? Absolutely.

Want lower back pain relief? The answer lies within the magnificent power of your own body ....

Want more information on how to support your body's natural ability to heal? Check out

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