Saturday, November 22, 2008

How Sciatica Contributes to Back Pain

Anytime you experience neck and back pain - it's first important to understand that pain is a sign that something is wrong and needs to be addressed!

Sciatica is no different.

Whether you have pain running down the back of your leg, lower back pain, a burning pain in your buttocks or whatever the symptoms might be ... this pain or discomfort (which may be termed as sciatica or sciatic nerve damage by your physician) is nothing more than a sign that something is wrong.

So ... where does that leave us?

Sciatica is frequently attributed to conditions such as piriformis syndrome, herniated discs, spinal stenosis and spondylolithesis - and what does that mean?

In most cases, it boils down to the cause being either one or all of the following:

1) Physical: most commonly caused by postural imbalances.

2) Nutritional: toxins and acid build-up in the body causing both a disruption in the body's natural ability to heal and repair itself and the manifestation of various illness and disease.

3) Emotional: pains, worries, stress and anxiety manifesting itself in the body in the form of pain or, quite often, a contributor to postural imbalances.

Successful treatment for total back pain relief is a multi-pronged approach dealing in all three categories which, in most cases, with proper guidance, can be done in the comfort of your own home.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Medicating for Back Pain Relief - Think Again

Question: I'm in pain and want to take back pain medication for immediate back pain relief - is it a good idea?



Great question!

I'm sorry to hear about your pain; however, you may reflect on this experience and realize that your pain could potentially be saving your life.

A bold claim, I know.

Here's the deal - pain is the body's sign of telling you something is wrong and needs to be addressed. Ignoring the symptoms of pain simply by medicating the pain without dealing with the actual CAUSE of the hip and back pain could result in additional health challenges in the future (never mind the litany of potential side effects of the medication).

Believe it or not, even the most "incurable" reasons for back pain can often be treated, mitigated or even healed completely using natural techniques that support your body's natural ability to heal. If anything, it's worth exploring further.

To your good health,


Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Back Pain Relief Achieved Through Weight Loss

Obesity is host to a myriad of illness and disease - but few people associate the connection between their love handles and their back pain.

Could it be possible that you could find total back pain relief simply by shedding a few extra pounds? Absolutely.

More than 65% of adults in the United States are overweight and obese - and, if I was to take a guess, I'd make a bet that almost every one of those people have had at least one experience with back pain.

In addition to carrying that extra mid-section bulge - the very cause of the weight gain (poor eating habits and lack of proper exercise) is often directly associated with many of the same causes of back pain (poor eating habits and lack of proper exercise).

You see, people are too quick to jump to conclusions - popping toxic drugs or electing for dangerous surgeries - believing that their pain is the problem ... instead of looking at all the possible causes of back pain.

Certainly there are a lot more factors than just weight loss, but it's important to know that all pain is a sign that something is wrong and needs to be addressed. If excess weight is your cause - it might be a good time to consider losing some of that extra belly fat - not only will this help you find back pain relief - but you'll have more energy, a higher quality of life, feel better, think more clearly, and open the doors for even greater possibility.

Inside the book, Powerful Strategies for Back and Neck Pain Relief, I go over an "anti-diet" way of eating for optimal health and back pain relief. Check it out ... if you don't like for any reason, just email me within 1 year of purchase and I'll send you all your money back. It's a no brainer.

To your great health,


Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Steroid Shots for Back Pain Relief Don't Work

Pain is a sign that something is wrong and needs to be changed.

All too often, people look for a quick fix in an effort to eliminate the pain when, in fact, they should be looking to address the actual cause of the pain.

This article (see below) is just one example of the "quick fixes" unable to provide long-term neck and back pain relief.

Steroid Shots for Back Pain Don't Work: "When it comes to treating chronic back pain with sciatica, epidural steroid injections may only bring small, short-term relief, according to a group of neurology professionals.

Sciatica is pain running down the back of the leg, where the sciatic nerve is located. It often accompanies back pain.

In reaching its conclusion, the American Academy of Neurology's Therapeutics and Technology Assessment Subcommittee reviewed four studies on epidural steroid injections for back pain with sciatica.

Based on the findings, epidural steroid shots are not recommended for long-term back pain relief, improving back function, or preventing back surgery, write neurology professor and subcommittee member Carmel Armon, MD, MHS, and colleagues."

Fortunately, there are many healthy, natural and non-invasive solutions for neck and back pain relief that provide fast and effective relief to live completely pain free! Check out for more information!

Friday, November 7, 2008

The Chiropractor and Your Back Pain Relief

Chiropractors serve as an excellent resource and tool for short term back pain relief; however, the benefits seldom last long term ... this is because back pain is generally caused by more than one catalyst.

Traditional chiropractors use physical manipulation to put your body back in balance; however, if you have poor posture, your body is likely to quickly return back to its unbalanced state. Not only can poor posture be caused by bad habits, but it can also be caused by muscle atrophy (due to a sedentary lifestyle), nutrition, an emotional component and more ....

That said, there are a number of ways that you can find total back pain relief without having to go to a chiropractor. Perhaps a simple change in your diet may be all that you need? Maybe it's creating good everyday postural habits? Or, maybe there was a trauma, worry, or stressful event in your life that's causing this pain on a subconscious level? The list of possibilities continues ....

Fortunately, once I understood that complete and total back pain relief is a result of targeting the 3 main causes (nutrition, physical and emotional) - I've been pain free ever since!

I wish you the best!

To your health,

Medical Disclaimer: This information is not intended to replace a personal relationship with a qualified health care professional nor is it intended as professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Back Pain and Smoking

Hi all,

Many times the answer to our problems is right under our nose (literally!).

See below for a recent study on the links between back pain and smoking ... and, perhaps, with a little health-conscious effort, your back pain relief might come easier than you think.

Back Pain and Smoking

"In recent years, researchers have uncovered a surprising connection between smoking and back pain. In study after study, smokers seem to be more likely than nonsmokers to suffer sore backs. The trend holds for men and women, manual laborers and white-collar workers. The investigations raise interesting questions about the root causes of pain. On a more practical level, they also give smokers a whole new reason to quit.

A study published in the Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases drives the point home. British researchers asked 13,000 people about their lifestyles, including their smoking habits, jobs, activity levels, and history of pain. After adjusting for the demands of strenuous jobs and other factors that might cause back pain, the scientists concluded that smoking -- by itself -- raised the risk of debilitating back pain by about 30 percent. Smoking also seemed to make people slightly more vulnerable to pain in the neck, shoulders, elbows, hands, hips, and knees."

To your great health,