Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Neck and Back Pain Relief: An Emotional Approach
Psychological Treatments Improve Outcomes For Back Pain Sufferers:
"ScienceDaily (Dec. 22, 2006) — Psychological interventions for chronic low back pain are effective, a new review of studies has found. Not only do these approaches improve psychological outcomes such as depression and health-related quality of life, they also reduce patients' experience of pain."
The article went on to say:
"In the broadest analysis, psychological interventions -- alone or as part of a multidisciplinary approach -- proved to be superior to waiting lists or standard treatments on the entire range of pain-related outcomes.
When the researchers analyzed specific outcomes, they found that the largest and most consistent effect was a reduction in pain intensity. "
Though the research was not a thorough examination of all emotional techniques for neck pain relief and back pain relief - it's important to understand that the connection between emotions and pain.
For some people, enjoying neck and back pain relief through the emotional connection may take a few treatments while many others may find complete pain relief in as little as 7 minutes using a little-known technique that you can do, by yourself, at home.
Also note, releasing the negative impact of emotions is one method in a multi-faceted approach for successful pain relief - physical and nutritional components are also important to consider.
Stop Wasting Your Money on Back and Neck Pain Treatments that Don't Work
University of Washington Medical Center clinician Richard Deyo, MD, MPH, tells WebMD that increasing use of the newer narcotics such as the drugs Vicodin and OxyContin is largely responsible for the increase, even though their use for chronic pain is controversial.
He says patients need to recognize that the drugs have many potential side effects, including drowsiness, persistent constipation, and sexual dysfunction.
Deyo co-directs the University of Washington Center for Cost and Outcomes Research, and he was a co-author of the study.
"We still don't know much about their long-term efficacy and safety for chronic back pain," he says.
"Patients need to understand that if they take these (opioid) medications long term, after a few months it will be difficult to stop. And there is pretty good evidence that long-term use may actually increase sensitivity to pain."
Too Much Surgery?
Surgery, especially spinal fusion surgery or disc replacement surgery, is also a growing and somewhat controversial treatment for patients with chronic back pain without sciatica.
"An aggressive arm of the surgical community believes that these patients benefit from surgery, but this is an area where the evidence is at best murky and confusing," Deyo says.
Orthopedic surgeon Paul Rubery, MD, agrees that the benefits of surgery are questionable in this group of patients.
Rubery directs the Spine Center at New York's University of Rochester Medical Center.
He tells WebMD that some of the blame for the rising cost of back and neck treatment belongs to the patient.
"Patients often want the drugs they see on TV or the one their uncle is on, even if an older and cheaper drug will work just as well," he says. "And these days, most patients demand MRIs, even when there is little medical indication. If patients were willing to accept time-tested treatments and take more responsibility for their health, costs would come way down.""
For more information on natural, proven back and neck pain treatments with no drugs, no surgery and no expensive equipment - visit http://www.backandneckpainresources.com/.
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Tired of Tossing Dollars at Back and Neck Pain Treatments That Don't Work?
Americans Spend More to Treat Spine Woes - New York Times: "“You’d think if you’re putting a lot of money into a problem, you’d see some improvements in health status,” said Brook I. Martin, research scientist at the Department of Orthopedics and Sports Medicine at the University of Washington and lead author on the study, published Wednesday. “We’re putting a lot of money into this problem, and it’s a big investment in health care expenditures, but we’re not seeing health status commensurate with those investments.”
The report is the latest to suggest that the nation is losing its battle against back pain, and that many popular treatments may be ineffective or overused. Researchers have produced conflicting data about the effectiveness of spinal surgery for back pain, although one major clinical trial, known by the acronym Sport, showed that spinal surgery patients did better than patients receiving more conservative care, which included medications or physical therapy. However, some doctors have questioned whether surgeries, injections and narcotic pain medications are being used appropriately.
“I think the truth is we have perhaps oversold what we have to offer,” said Dr. Richard A. Deyo, a physician at the Oregon Health and Science University in Portland and a co-author of the report. “All the imaging we do, all the drug treatments, all the injections, all the operations have some benefit for some patients. But I think in each of those situations we’ve begun using those tests or treatments more widely than science would really support.”"
So, when are you going to stop wasting money on back pain treatments that don't work?
Check out the book "Powerful Strategies for Back and Neck Pain Relief" detailing the proven strategies that health & wellness expert, Charles Gaudet, used to naturally find fast back and neck pain relief for a pain-free life!
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Got Back Pain? Don't Just Sit There ... Move!

Oddly enough, people pay more attention to "fixing" their back problem than identifying the cause of back pain.
But, here's the secret: Eliminate the cause of back pain and you'll eliminate pain.
Sounds simple, right?
Well, for years we've known that sitting too long can contribute to back pain - but what are we doing about it?
The article below serves as a gentle reminder ...
HowStuffWorks "How to Sit in a Chair":
"Back pain affects eight out of 10 people, whether it's acute or chronic [source: National Institutes of Health]. The back is such a common trouble spot because we put a ton of stress on it whether we're lounging on our couch in front of the television or playing tackle football. Whatever activity we're engaged in, our spine is the central support for our upper bodies and holds us upright. Its network of interlocking vertebrae also encases our spinal cord, which serves as the main drag on the central nervous system's superhighway...."
"But don't let yourself get too comfortable for too long. Holding your body in a static position for a sustained period will always stress the muscles involved at some point. Doing that day after day invites permanent physical problems. The key to reducing back pain from sitting for a long time is motion. Every 20 minutes or so, stand up, stretch and walk around if possible.
When you aren't confined to a chair, stand up and stay active. By exercising, you strengthen those muscles surrounding your spine. Maintaining a healthy weight will also lighten the load that your lower back must bear. With a healthier body overall, you'll feel better and sit a little taller."
To your great health!
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Shocking Lower Back Pain Statistics
Reading this, one can't help but ask "If we're supposed to know more about back pain than any other point in history, why is the condition getting worse?"
... and, in my opinion, it's because most of these professionals over-look the body's powerful ability to heal itself by searching for an artificial means of providing back and neck pain relief.
Pathophysiology of Chronic Back Pain: - eMedicine:
"Approximately 80% of Americans experience LBP [lower back pain] during their lifetime.
An estimated 15-20% develop protracted pain, and approximately 2-8% have chronic pain.
Every year, 3-4% of the population is temporarily disabled, and 1% of the working-age population is disabled totally and permanently because of LBP [lower back pain].
LBP [lower back pain] is second only to the common cold as a cause of lost work time; it is the fifth most frequent cause for hospitalization and the third most common reason to undergo a surgical procedure.
Productivity losses from chronic LBP [lower back pain] approach $28 billion annually in the United States."
Shocking? Absolutely.
Want lower back pain relief? The answer lies within the magnificent power of your own body ....
Want more information on how to support your body's natural ability to heal? Check out http://www.BackandNeckPainResources.com.
Friday, December 12, 2008
Question: Exercising with Back Pain?
What are some good workouts to do if you have back pain?
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Healing Back and Neck Pain Through the Power of Music

THOMAS LEE/CHRONICLE Singer and MSU student body president Shane Colvin has won a prestigious national scholarship to study music therapy in Ireland. “It helped me personally maintain my sanity when I broke my back,” said Colvin, 23, who is Montana State University’s student body president.
“My passion for music and my desire to finish school with a music degree were the only things that saved me.”"
Later in the article, he also goes on to say:
Music therapy is a new field, but it’s an old idea. Colvin cited the Old Testament story of David the giant-slayer playing the lyre to soothe the mentally unstable King Saul. The Greeks recognized the power of music to affect people’s moods, he said, yet the American Musical Therapy Association didn’t form until 1998.
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Question: Can lower back pain cause poor circulation in my feet?

"Is it possible that my lower back pain or ache will cause poor blood circulation to the feet?"
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Can Back and Neck Pain Relief Go Hand-in-Hand With Flu Prevention?
I've taken the time to highlight those lessor known flu prevention tips because, interestingly enough, they also coincide with a few neck and back pain relief strategies in the book "Powerful Strategies for Back and Neck Pain Relief."
Why do you think this might be?
Because pain is a sign that something is not working correctly in your body - perhaps it's your health, balance, nutrition or even emotional reasons.
As you'll discover, in most cases, a pain-free body goes hand-in-hand with a healthy body.
Cold and flu prevention - naturally - WebMD:
"#4 Drink Plenty of Fluids
Water flushes your system, washing out the poisons as it rehydrates you. A typical, healthy adult needs eight 8-ounce glasses of fluids each day. How can you tell if you're getting enough liquid? If the color of your urine runs close to clear, you're getting enough. If it's deep yellow, you need more fluids.
#7 Do Aerobic Exercise Regularly
Aerobic exercise speeds up the heart to pump larger quantities of blood; makes you breathe faster to help transfer oxygen from your lungs to your blood; and makes you sweat once your body heats up. These exercises help increase the body's natural virus-killing cells.
#8 Eat Foods Containing Phytochemicals
'Phyto' means plants, and the natural chemicals in plants give the vitamins in food a supercharged boost. So put away the vitamin pill, and eat dark green, red, and yellow vegetables and fruits.
#10 Don't Smoke
Statistics show that heavy smokers get more severe colds and more frequent ones.
Even being around smoke profoundly zaps the immune system. Smoke dries out your nasal passages and paralyzes cilia. These are the delicate hairs that line the mucous membranes in your nose and lungs, and with their wavy movements, sweep cold and flu viruses out of the nasal passages. Experts contend that one cigarette can paralyze cilia for as long as 30 to 40 minutes."
To a pain free life in good health,
Monday, December 1, 2008
Is Rest a Good Idea for Neck and Back Pain Relief?
In some not-so-common, more severe cases (like major injury or acute pain) - resting might be the best option. But for the more common back and neck pain cases, rest may actually prolong the pain!
Research has shown the neck pain relief and back pain relief can be achieved faster by staying active! Physical activity helps to increase blood flow and stimulate the natural healing abilities of your body - resting only slows down the process.
Supporting your natural ability to heal is of paramount importance for achieving long term neck and back pain relief and, though exercise is important, total relief will come once you identify the causes of your neck and back pain and treat them appropriately.
Unfortunately, most healthcare professionals are inadequately trained in the field of neck and back pain relief as total relief comes from either one or all of the following:
- Physical healing
- Nutritional healing
- Emotional healing
If your healthcare practitioner is unable to help you address all these concerns, feel free to check out www.backandneckpainresources.com for fast and effective strategies for powerful back and neck pain relief.
Saturday, November 22, 2008
How Sciatica Contributes to Back Pain

Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Medicating for Back Pain Relief - Think Again

Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Back Pain Relief Achieved Through Weight Loss

In addition to carrying that extra mid-section bulge - the very cause of the weight gain (poor eating habits and lack of proper exercise) is often directly associated with many of the same causes of back pain (poor eating habits and lack of proper exercise).
You see, people are too quick to jump to conclusions - popping toxic drugs or electing for dangerous surgeries - believing that their pain is the problem ... instead of looking at all the possible causes of back pain.
Certainly there are a lot more factors than just weight loss, but it's important to know that all pain is a sign that something is wrong and needs to be addressed. If excess weight is your cause - it might be a good time to consider losing some of that extra belly fat - not only will this help you find back pain relief - but you'll have more energy, a higher quality of life, feel better, think more clearly, and open the doors for even greater possibility.
Inside the book, Powerful Strategies for Back and Neck Pain Relief, I go over an "anti-diet" way of eating for optimal health and back pain relief. Check it out ... if you don't like for any reason, just email me within 1 year of purchase and I'll send you all your money back. It's a no brainer.
To your great health,
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Steroid Shots for Back Pain Relief Don't Work

All too often, people look for a quick fix in an effort to eliminate the pain when, in fact, they should be looking to address the actual cause of the pain.
This article (see below) is just one example of the "quick fixes" unable to provide long-term neck and back pain relief.
Steroid Shots for Back Pain Don't Work: "When it comes to treating chronic back pain with sciatica, epidural steroid injections may only bring small, short-term relief, according to a group of neurology professionals.
Sciatica is pain running down the back of the leg, where the sciatic nerve is located. It often accompanies back pain.
In reaching its conclusion, the American Academy of Neurology's Therapeutics and Technology Assessment Subcommittee reviewed four studies on epidural steroid injections for back pain with sciatica.
Based on the findings, epidural steroid shots are not recommended for long-term back pain relief, improving back function, or preventing back surgery, write neurology professor and subcommittee member Carmel Armon, MD, MHS, and colleagues."
Fortunately, there are many healthy, natural and non-invasive solutions for neck and back pain relief that provide fast and effective relief to live completely pain free! Check out http://www.backandneckpainresources.com/ for more information!
Friday, November 7, 2008
The Chiropractor and Your Back Pain Relief

Monday, November 3, 2008
Back Pain and Smoking

Many times the answer to our problems is right under our nose (literally!).
See below for a recent study on the links between back pain and smoking ... and, perhaps, with a little health-conscious effort, your back pain relief might come easier than you think.
Back Pain and Smoking AHealthyMe.com:
"In recent years, researchers have uncovered a surprising connection between smoking and back pain. In study after study, smokers seem to be more likely than nonsmokers to suffer sore backs. The trend holds for men and women, manual laborers and white-collar workers. The investigations raise interesting questions about the root causes of pain. On a more practical level, they also give smokers a whole new reason to quit.
A study published in the Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases drives the point home. British researchers asked 13,000 people about their lifestyles, including their smoking habits, jobs, activity levels, and history of pain. After adjusting for the demands of strenuous jobs and other factors that might cause back pain, the scientists concluded that smoking -- by itself -- raised the risk of debilitating back pain by about 30 percent. Smoking also seemed to make people slightly more vulnerable to pain in the neck, shoulders, elbows, hands, hips, and knees."
To your great health,
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Doctors Find Back Pain Relief By Prescribing Placebos!?
For years, we've been studying the body's natural ability to heal itself. In the past, when we shared this information, many people from the traditional medical community looked at us as if we had two heads ... however, it appears that modern medicine might be making a significant change in their viewpoint on back pain relief by believing that the human body is, in fact, capable of self healing!
Doctors are Using Placebos More: About Half Prescribe Placebos, 60% Believe It's Ethically Acceptable Spine-Health:
"62% of physicians believe that the practice of prescribing a placebo (giving a patient a treatment that has no theraputic benefit while allowing the patient to believe there is one) is ethically permissible.
When prescribing placebos, doctors usually give a patient over the counter analgesics (41%), vitamins (38%), and sometimes antibiotics or sedatives (13% each)
Doctors usually describe the placebo as potentially beneficial medicine or a treatment not usually associated with their condition (68%)
Only 5% of physicians explicitly describe them as placebos"
To your great health,
PS Are you accidently making a mistake that could actually prevent your body from healing? Be sure to click here for the free special reoprt on => Everyday Mistakes that May Actually Prevent Your Neck and Back from Healing.
Monday, October 20, 2008
Treating Back Pain
Here's the link to an article I wrote on EHow.com!
How to Treat Back Pain by Understanding the Real Causes eHow.com: "Though you might think you know why you’re in pain, there may be multiple or underlying causes you’re not aware of. It’s very easy to blame back pain on family history, bone structure, previous injuries, etc, but the root cause of pain is often times just as difficult to diagnose as to treat. However, from my extensive personal research and conversations with a wide range of health and fitness professionals, there are some common, overlooked causes that cause the majority of back and neck pain."
Click on the link above to take you to the full article.
To your health,
Friday, September 26, 2008
The Emotional Role in Chronic Back and Neck Pain Conditions
Someone recently asked a question: "Is it possible that my back pain can be a result of negative emotions?"
The answer is absolutely!
Stress, fears, worry, anxiety and all sorts of negative emotions can cause chronic neck & back pain. In fact, even if you've been in an car accident - where it's clear that some element of pain is a direct result of the physical experience - the trauma of the accident could significantly contribute to the emotional aspect of pain.
Depression, Anxiety and Stress Often Accompany Chronic Back and Neck Pain Conditions: "Depression, anxiety and stress come with the chronic pain territory. Researchers estimate that accompanying depression and anxiety occur in 20% to 50% of patients with chronic pain. If you experience chronic pain, your emotions and moods may be strongly influenced by the underlying physiology associated with your condition."
By simply working with your emotions using a few simple techniques (such as hypnosis, energy tapping, neuro-linguistic programming, and more ...) you can drastically eliminate or find significant neck and back pain relief.
... in addition to pain relief, the very act of performing an emotional clearing can add massive amounts of additional benefits in your life (less stress, more happiness).
To your great health!
Neck & Back Pain | The Body's Natural Ability to Heal
Here's something to think about ...
Neck Pain and Back Pain Relief: Proven Treatment Solutions:
"Somewhere along the journey of life, people lost sight of the body’s unique and powerful ability to heal oneself and, rather than listening to the body – we’ve been duped into thinking that the only way to ‘heal back pain’ is to take toxic medication or have dangerous surgeries.
Modern medicine is helpful and necessary in countless situations. However, its biggest downfall is the constant disregard of the natural healing ability of the body. So much time, money and research is spent looking for outside solutions, when most healing solutions come from within. Need a reminder of how your body heals itself?
Scabs are the most visual reminder that we have as humans as to the body’s amazing ability to heal itself.
However, there exists a perverse and false belief that, though small cuts and bruises are easily healed, anything larger is outside of our natural healing abilities and requires medical attention."
To your great health,
Friday, September 12, 2008
Neck and Shoulder Pain: Everyday Tips for Pain Free Living
In general, we've found the following article very helpful and a valuable read.
One thing that I believe the article neglected to mention was that neck pain can also be caused by nutritional factors (such as - did you know hydrogenated oils can often cause neck pain?), emotional factors (ever notice your body getting tight when you get stressed?) and, of course, physical factors (posture, injury and accidents are the most common).
Regardless, I believe the following link will give you a great understanding of some 'common sense' tips for prevention and neck pain relief.
HEALTHbeat extra: 8 Tips to ease neck and shoulder pain: "Do your neck and shoulders feel stiff when you awake in the morning? Or do they seize painfully with no warning? If so, you have plenty of company. Doctors estimate that seven out of 10 people will be troubled by neck pain at some point in their lives, often causing daily aching in the neck and shoulder area.
Sometimes pain starts with the bang of a rear-end collision, but more often, the neck and its surrounding structures begin to ache after years of normal use, overuse, and misuse. Without knowing it, you may be encouraging neck and shoulder pain by the way you perform everyday activities. In general, try to keep your neck in a neutral position, which means your head balances directly over your shoulders and is not leaning forward or cocked to one side."
To your great health,
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Back Neck Pain and Better Sleep
One of the most stressful times for back and neck pain sufferers comes at night ... when you want to get a restful sleep but your chronic pain makes a comfortable night more challenging.
We found the following article very helpful and we hope you, too, find value in it.
Back Pain and Sleep Position - Low Back Stress: "In general, unsupported sleeping positions can place stress on your back and neck. To minimize back pain during then night and when you wake up, identify for yourself the sleeping positions that are stressful to your back and neck. Where do you need support?"
For additional solutions, be sure to download a FREE Special Report for back and neck pain relief at backandneckpainresources.com!
To your pain free life!
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Stop & Prevent Neck Pain
I stumbled across this article on neck pain and I thought that you might find some great value reading it.
Most of the industrialized world with experience back and neck pain - the Harvard Medical School Advisor offers great advice for getting rid of neck pain using some very basic postural / lifestyle adjustments with powerful results.
The Harvard Medical School Adviser: Stop that pain in the neck pain - The Daily Journal:
"* Talking on the phone. If you spend a lot of time on the phone, don't lean your head to one side to hold the phone on your shoulder. Instead, use a headset or speakerphone, which will help keep your head in a neutral position -- and your hands free for other tasks. Headsets are available for both your desk phone and cell phone.
* Reading or writing at your desk. When you're reading, sit up straight and hold the document, book or report up so that you don't need to bend over. Or use a document holder to prop up the material. You can put papers on a slanted board raised slightly off the desk to keep them at a comfortable reading angle. For writing, adjust your chair so you don't need to bend over.
* Reading at home. Try to maintain an upright posture when you sit in a chair. Hold your book so that you don't have to lean down or forward to see it. Putting the book on a pillow in your lap may help. If you read in bed, sit up straight or use a wedge-shaped pillow to support your back.
* Wearing bifocals. The bottom portion of bifocals or progressive lenses corrects close-up vision, but that means you must bend your head to see the ground while walking or climbing stairs. Consider purchasing a pair of 'walking glasses' that have your distance prescription without bifocal lenses. When you need to focus on medium distances, such as at a computer screen, you're likely to need an intermediate correction, which bifocals don't have. Investing in a pair of single-vision glasses with the appropriate prescription for computer work can help prevent eye and neck strain. Alternatively, you may be able to move your monitor and adjust the font size of text on the screen so you can read it while looking through the upper half of your bifocals."
Wishing you all the best,
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Back Pain and Nutrition: A Lesson From Mozart

Monday, August 11, 2008
Arthritis Pain Relief For Your Back and Neck: "Soup to Nuts"
In the following article, the focus is on Arthritis and dietary practices to help you find arthritis pain relief. Definitely a worthwhile read:
Arthritis Diet: Eating the Right Foods: "Dietary practices have a major impact on arthritis. In fact, if you eat the typical American diet, it could be making your arthritis worse. Among the offenders are saturated fats (which occur in cooking oils and fried foods), white flour and sugar, red meat, chemical additives, yeast, and milk and dairy products. These foods can increase inflammation, invoke allergies, and interfere with hormone production, cellular integrity, and the function and mobility of the joints."
To your amazing health,
PS - To learn more about powerful nutritional strategies for amazing pain relief, be sure to check out http://www.backandneckpainresources.com!
Friday, August 8, 2008
Back Pain Treatment | A Deeper Look ...
"Charlie, I'm always looking for what I don't see - there's always two stories."
With that in mind, let's take a deeper look at the most commonly used back pain treatments and another look at "what I don't see."
I'm certain you'll find this interesting!
Back Pain Treatment Options: "The following is a brief discussion about the most commonly used treatments for back pain available today.
Drug Therapies
Today, patients have a wide variety of medications to choose from to treat their back pain. Some drugs not only relieve pain but also work to reduce inflammation and relax muscle tension and spasm. However, many of these medications, even those available without a prescription, can have serious side effects. Talk to your doctor before taking any medications for back pain.
Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs) include aspirin, ibuprofen, Naproxen®, Ketoprofen® and many more. Anti-inflammatory medications help reduce swelling and inflammation and promote healing. When taken in low doses, NSAIDs work as mild analgesics. When taken in higher doses and on a regular basis, enough of the drug builds up to have a true anti-inflammatory effect.
COX-2 Inhibitors are a new type of NSAID and include celecoxib (brand name Celebrex®). These medications, approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), allow patients to take higher doses without the accompanying gastrointestinal side effects from conventional NSAIDs.
Acetaminophen such as Tylenol®, Anacin-3®, Phenaphen®, Valadol®, and other brands are analgesics. Analgesic medications are used to treat acute or some forms of chronic pain. They are the most common alternatives to NSAIDs. Acetaminophen can be used alone or in combination with NSAIDs. Liver and kidney damage are potential serious side effects of acetaminophen use.
Opioids such as morphine and codeine, meperidine (Demerol®), or oxycodone-release (Oxycontin®) are rarely used and only if pain is severe. Due to their addictive nature, these drugs are not routinely prescribed, as many physicians believe they do more harm than good.
Muscle Relaxants such as cyclobenzaprine (Flexeril®), diazepam (Valium®), carisoprodol (Soma®), or methocarbamol (Robaxin®) are often prescribed for severe pain. However, some experts believe that NSAIDs are just as effective."
Now, armed with an understanding of the most commonly used back and neck pain treatments - let's take a better look at some of the statistics.
Interesting Medical Information:
"People who use aspirin and other nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDSs) have a hospitalization rate 5 times that of the general population. More than 20,000 people with bone/joint problems die each year because of NSAID-related gastrointestinal problems.
(Researchers at University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center)
Aspirin and other nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) fight inflammation, fever, and pain by blocking the body's production of prostaglandins. But since they can also block the prostaglandins that keep the stomach lining healthy, they can cause stomach irritation and bleeding. NSAIDs bring relief to millions of people with arthritis and back pain, but although many are available without a prescription, they are perhaps the drugs most likely to cause side effects, from harmless heartburn to life-threatening gastrointestinal bleeding, which puts more than 40,000 Americans in the hospital each year.
(Harvard Men's Health Watch, January 1999)"
Kind of makes you think, doesn't it?
To your great health,
PS For back and neck pain solutions with NO Drugs and NO Surgery - check out http://www.BackandNeckPainResources.com!
Monday, August 4, 2008
Is Your Chronic Back and Neck Pain Making You Depressed?
That's a concerning statement and, yes, our experience concludes similar results - so ... what do you do about it?
You may be surprised to learn that research has determined that a large percentage of back and neck pain candidates experience pain in their spine as a result of a traumatic experience (abuse, injury, stress, etc).
This experience is often viewed as the catalyst for the pain when - though this is partially correct - the catalyst is often the psychological association to the experience that subconsciously creates either temporary or chronic pain conditions.
For example, ever been so stressed your chest hurt or perhaps your lower back? Ever been so mad that your neck began to tighten? That's just a couple examples which we may be consciously aware of emotions triggering discomfort in our bodies.
Back and Neck Pain is not the same for everyone - certainly some people may experience pain due to an injury or illness, but most often the 'cause' is misunderstood.
With that said, it's important to have a working set of tools and techniques to create a pain free and healthy back and neck.
To your boundless health,
PS For a complete set of strategies including a free special report - check out http://www.BackandNeckPainResources.com!
Friday, August 1, 2008
Back Pain Remedies: How Yoga Helped Relieve My Herniated Disc Pain
My flexibility and strength increased and, coupled with the strategies used in the ebook "Powerful Strategies for Back and Neck Pain Relief" - I've been enthusiastically pain free for years! I suggest you give yoga a try ... here's one person's response ....
Back Pain Remedies: How Yoga Helped Relieve My Herniated Disc Pain - Associated Content: "In my situation, I have almost constant low back pain from 2 herniated discs. I had an MRI that confirmed my doctor's diagnosis. She prescribed physical therapy as well as ice/hot packs to help alleviate the pain. I followed this advice faithfully for over 6 months with little relief. I turned to yoga as part of a holistic plan to try and reduce my pain level before considering surgery or other invasive solutions."
To your amazing health,
Stop Back and Neck Problems with an Ounce of Prevention
Keep the Back Pain Away - Preventing Back and Neck Problems from Returning: "Simple things can work wonders when it comes to keeping your spine healthy. This is called preventative maintenance, and its equivalent is an old saying you may have heard: 'An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.'"
Such preventative steps include:
1. Develop Body Awareness
2. Strengthen Your Core
3. Use Your Body Well
4. Be Active and Exercise
5. Breathe
6. Maintain a Healthy Weight
Check out the article for more information - I thought you might enjoy ....
To your great health,
PS For powerful ways in which you can fast back and neck pain relief, check out http://www.backandneckpainresources.com/!
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Back Pain Causes & Symptoms
Good Morning!
To learn more about Back Pain - check out what Wikipedia has to say:
Back pain - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: "Back pain can be a sign of a serious medical problem, although this is not most frequently the underlying cause:
- Typical warning signs of a potentially life-threatening problem are bowel and/or bladder incontinence or progressive weakness in the legs.
- Severe back pain (such as pain that is bad enough to interrupt sleep) that occurs with other signs of severe illness (e.g. fever, unexplained weight loss) may also indicate a serious underlying medical condition.
- Back pain that occurs after a trauma, such as a car accident or fall may indicate a bone fracture or other injury.
- Back pain in individuals with medical conditions that put them at high risk for a spinal fracture, such as osteoporosis or multiple myeloma, also warrants prompt medical attention.
- Back pain in individuals with a history of cancer (especially cancers known to spread to the spine like breast, lung and prostate cancer) should be evaluated to rule out metastatic disease of the spine.
Back pain does not usually require immediate medical intervention. The vast majority of episodes of back pain are self-limiting and non-progressive. Most back pain syndromes are due to inflammation, especially in the acute phase, which typically lasts for two weeks to three months.
A few observational studies suggest that two conditions to which back pain is often attributed, lumbar disc herniation and degenerative disc disease may not be more prevalent among those in pain than among the general population, and that the mechanisms by which these conditions might cause pain are not known.[2][3][4][5] Other studies suggest that for as many as 85% of cases, no physiological cause can be shown.[6][7]
A few studies suggest that psychosocial factors such as on-the-job stress and dysfunctional family relationships may correlate more closely with back pain than structural abnormalities revealed in x-rays and other medical imaging scans.[8][9][10][11]"
To your great health,
PS Would you like to discover natural ways to help heal your back and neck pain? Click here to find out more!
Monday, July 28, 2008
Back Pain Exercises - Are They Useful?
Exercises to reduce low back pain:
"When you no longer have acute pain, you may be ready for gentle strengthening exercises for your stomach, back, and legs, and perhaps for some stretching exercises.
Exercise may not only help decrease low back pain, but it may also help you recover faster, prevent reinjury to your back, and reduce the risk of disability from back pain.
Exercises to reduce low back pain are not complicated and can be done at home without any special equipment.
It's important that you don't let fear of pain keep you from trying gentle activity. You should try to be active soon after noticing pain, and gradually increase your activity level.1 Too little activity can lead to loss of flexibility, strength, and endurance, and then to more pain."
Wishing you great health,
Monday, July 21, 2008
Neck Pain | A Growing Problem
Neck pain - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: "Neck pain (or cervicalgia) is a common problem, with two-thirds of the population having neck pain at some point in their lives.[1] It is increasing in both intensity, frequency and severity of episodes. As people are increasingly sedentary, live fast-paced and hectic lives, they place more stress and strain on the upper back and neck regions of their spines."
Certainly, we are aware that back and neck pain are a growing epedemic, but, every time I read about the severity of the problem - it still shocks me!
Is what you're doing working? Should you consider a different approach?
Something to think about ....
To your great health,
PS Would you be interested in learning about some natural and effective methods for back and neck pain relief? Click here for more information!
Friday, July 18, 2008
Back & Neck Pain Prevention | Postural Tips for Sleeping
I found this information quite useful when asked the proper positioning for sleep ...
Maintaining a Healthy Spine - Posture: "...let's look at some good postural tips for sleeping.
1.) In lying, the spine will be most comfortable when a neutral spine is maintained. A sagging mattress or the use of more than one pillow will interfere with the neutral spine position. A firm mattress is recommended-a board placed between the mattress and box spring can provide a temporary fix to a sagging mattress.
2.) The best sleeping positions for someone with neck or back pain is either lying on the side or on the back. -When lying on the side, a pillow between the knees helps keep the spine neutral. People who lie on their side without a pillow between the knees sometimes draw one knee up high and in front. This asymmetry can result in pain over time.
Whether lying on the back or sides, rolls can be added to support the natural curves of the spine in the neck or low back. A 'cervical roll' can be used to support the neck. It is a foam roll, approximately 3 inches in diameter and 18 inches long that is placed inside the pillowcase along the lower border of a (preferably down or synthetic down) pillow. The roll is situated between the base of the head and the shoulders, supporting the curve of the neck and helping to maintain neutral alignment lying on the back or in side lying.
A lumbar sleeping roll can be purchased or fashioned for a trial at home. It is a long thin roll tied around the waist to help support the lumbar arch lying on the back or in side lying. The diameter is smaller than the sitting roll, approximately 3-4 inches. To make one at home for a trial:
1.) Roll a large bath towel lengthwise.
2.) Stuff the towel roll into one leg of an old pair of pantyhose or feed a rope through the center of the towel roll, securing the roll with masking tape.
3.) Tie the roll around your waist at the level of the small arch in your low back.
This roll may provide comfort by keeping your back from sagging off center to the right, for example, if you are lying on your right side. If lying on your back, it will help keep your from rounding out your low back."
To your great health,
PS Are you making one of the 5 Critical Mistakes that's may actually be PREVENTING your body from HEALING? Check out this FREE Report by clicking here.
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Health Tip: Back Pain in Children
Health Tip: Back Pain in Children - US News and World Report: "Health Tip: Back Pain in Children
Don't ignore symptoms
Posted June 12, 2008
(HealthDay News) -- In a child, back pain is different from back pain in adults. Particularly in children under age 4, it indicates a serious underlying problem, the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons says.
You should see your doctor if your child has back pain, the academy says, especially if accompanied by any of these other symptoms:
- Fever.
- Weight loss.
- Feelings of weakness or numbness.
- Difficulty walking.
- Pain that extends through one or both legs, or if it prevents your child from sleeping.
- Issues with the bowels or bladder."
As stated in the article it's a good idea to have your child checked out by a professional for some tools, guidance, and information related to the diagnosis.
As always, regardless of the diagnosis, you want to support your child's ability to heal itself in combination with your professionals advice. This would mean proper nutrition and hydration (especially for a child under 4).
To you and your family's fantastic health,
Neck Pain Prevention | Safe Driving Tips in the Car
See this article below for great tips to avoid potential neck injury ....
For Safer Driving, Adjust Your Backrest Toward You: "Do you lean forward when you drive? Does your carseat live in a reclining position? A new study from the Medical College of Wisconsin suggests these positions may be the reasons why soft tissue injury is sustained during a whiplash event.
The study used computer modeling to simulate rear-end accidents. Measurements of the position of each spinal segment at the neck were taken. Investigators then compared that data to previously established measurements of healthy necks (of real people!) to identify exactly where the headrest -- or backrest, it's the same -- should be to avoid damage to soft tissue in the neck. The study's investigator, Dr. Brian Stemper, Ph.D. says your headrest should be no more than 6cm, or about 2.5' away from the back of your head, to keep soft tissue from being injured in the event of a rear-end collison.
For most of us this will mean we should adjust the seat back forward. The key to the adjustment is to not recline the seat, rather tilt it toward your body, so that it nearly touches the back of your head when you are positioned as you normally drive. So, taking your body back to meet the back of the seat doesn't count, because you are likely to be leaning forward during the driving process, and because posture problems such as kyphosis lift the upper torso and head away from the back rest.
For a safer holiday driving experience, take a few moments to figure out where your backrest should be and adjust it so that it is never more than 2.5' away from the back of your head."
To your great health,
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Back Pain | Is Surgery the Right Answer? Think Again.
Research has shown that most back and neck pain can be cured without medication and without surgery!
Most Back Pain Could Be Cured Without Surgery Or Drugs If Doctors Treated Muscles Not The Spine Says Leading Pain Specialist: "Back pain is the most disabling pain experienced by Americans, and, according to the National Institutes of Health, eight out of ten people will suffer from it at some point. 'With nearly one million spine surgeries performed in the U.S. each year, and a failure rate as high as 50 percent, too many patients either undergo spinal surgery that is doomed to fail, or are put on mind-altering drugs to manage, but not end, their pain,' says Dr. Marcus.
'The reality is that muscles are the primary source of chronic back pain. And muscle pain can almost always be successfully treated without surgery or drugs,' says Dr. Marcus"
To your amazing health,
PS Are you aware of the Critical Mistakes that can actually PREVENT your back and neck pain from healing? Click here for the free report!
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Back Pain: Could Weight Be a Factor?
Back Pain and Obesity: Connection to Back Pain and Development of Obesity: "According to the American Obesity Association (AOA) 64.5 percent of adult Americans (about 127 million) are categorized as being overweight or obese (1). The unfortunate truth is that obesity is becoming a global epidemic affecting adults and children.
Connection to Back Pain
Most people know that obesity contributes to the development of coronary heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, and colon cancer. However, did you know that obesity is a contributing factor to back pain? It is true. Being overweight or obese can significantly contribute to symptoms associated with osteoporosis, osteoarthritis (OA), rheumatoid arthritis (RA), degenerative disc disease (DDD), spinal stenosis, and spondylolisthesis.
The spine is designed to carry the body's weight and distribute the loads encountered during rest and activity. When excess weight is carried, the spine is forced to assimilate the burden, which may lead to structural compromise and damage (e.g. injury, sciatica).
One region of the spine that is most vulnerable to the effects of obesity is the low back; the lumbar spine. Lack of exercise and bodily conditioning leads to poor flexibility and weak muscles in the back, pelvis, and thighs. This can increase the curve of the lower back causing the pelvis to tilt too far forward. Further, this is detrimental to proper posture and as posture weakens, other regions of the spine (neck) may become painful."
To your good health,
Sunday, July 13, 2008
New Strategy to Relieve Lower Back Pain
As part of a randomized trial on chiropractic vs. medical treatment, researchers measured physical activity levels and use of back exercises at the start of the study, then 6 weeks and 6, 12, and 18 months later. They found that increasing amounts of physical activity were associated with decreased pain and disability and increased psychological health, while increasing frequency of doing back exercises was associated with increased pain and disability.
The researchers suggest that people with lower back pain should refrain from doing specific back exercises and take part in recreational physical activities instead"
To your amazing health,
Natural Back Pain Relief with Yoga?
One of the more common strategies people often discuss is Yoga - but does it work?
Being the highly energetic person that I am, I never would have thought I would be a candidate for such slow moving exercise; however, encouraged my by wife's persistent encouragement - I decided to give it a shot.
After a few days of practice, I must say that I was suprised at my increased flexibility, strength and a betterment in my posture - needless to say, along with the many life-changing strategies in Powerful Strategies for Back and Neck Pain Relief this is one practice that I would like to continue.
You may find this article interesting ....
Yoga For Back Pain Relief Health Savvy: "Yoga has been practiced for centuries to promote both physical and mental well being. Yoga also has spiritual components that are not normally practiced by westerners. When we talk about the practice of yoga it is the physical poses and breathing exercises that come to mind. These physical exercises are extremely effective and take many years to perfect. But from beginners to professionals the results are extraordinary when yoga is used regularly to improve flexibility, increase strength, reduce stress, center the mind and even relieve physical pain.
Back pain is the most common ailment reported. Pain, in general, can be very hard to treat and back pain is especially difficult to ease. Using yoga for back pain can be very effective, but may require modification. Yoga poses may appear to be easy, but if done incorrectly can aggravate physical maladies."
To your great health,
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Can I heal a herniated disk?
The short and sweet answer is YES! Herniated disks can be healed!
This is what one article states:
Neurology - Herniated Disc: "Herniated discs can occur anywhere in the spine, but most occur in the lower back. Most herniated discs heal on their own over time (one to six months). Many people who have a herniated disc are not aware of it because they have no symptoms of leg or back pain."
There are many natural strategies (with no drugs and no surgery) to help you in the healing process. This includes ridding the symptom (i.e. pain) and treating the cause.
To your health,
For more information on natural and effective ways to heal back and neck pain, check out http://www.BackandNeckPainResources.com/!
All About Back Neck Pain Relief | The World of Medical Contradiction
For example, look at the article below ....
All About Back Neck Pain Relief The World Health Guide: "Medications For Back Neck Pain Relief
Medications are one of the most important methods that would give you back neck pain relief. These medications are proven to be safe and effective to use. However, these are administered only in controlled dosages set by the doctor. The physician himself will choose what drug to give you. There are certain medications meant to treat mild to moderate or severe pains. It is very essential to follow the proper regimen given by your physicians to avoid any problems from occurring."
On the other hand, proponents of natural healing therapies agree that medicine is effective in treating the "symptom" (in other words, treating 'pain') for the short-term; however, the scary truth is that there is a long term loss associated with the short term gain.
See what researchers have to say about such pain medication ....
Interesting Medical Information: "People who use aspirin and other nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDSs) have a hospitalization rate 5 times that of the general population. More than 20,000 people with bone/joint problems die each year because of NSAID-related gastrointestinal problems. (Researchers at University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center)"
To your good health,
For an essential and free report on PAIN, visit: http://www.BackandNeckPainResources.com/
Back Pain: Put the 'Rest' to Rest
Low Back Pain: Many Options for Relief - Chronic Pain: Health and Medical Information Concerning Chronic Pain Management on MedicineNet.com: "Once upon a time, doctors told people with low back pain to stay in bed for three days -- perhaps with a board under their mattress. That very bad advice actually made back pain worse, Chou says.
'We don't want people lying in bed,' he says. 'Get out. Try a normal range of activities, but back off if your back hurts. But you won't hurt your back by doing regular stuff, and it may actually keep your back conditioned and strong.'"
To your health,
Monday, July 7, 2008
Stop and Prevent Back Pain With a Healthy Spine
People have made such comments as "I've never felt better in my life!" or "I feel like a kid again!"
With all that said, we find this comment interesting and thought you might feel the same....
A Healthy Spine Equals A Healthy You: "It may surprise you to learn that taking good care of your back, or more importantly your spine, can help improve your overall health. The nervous system, your body's center for all mental activity, lies within your spinal cord. Over a decade ago, scientists discovered a relationship between your nervous system and your immune system. If you have curves or misalignments in your spine, they keep your nervous system from working normally, decreasing your immunity and increasing your susceptibility to disease."
(Kindly note: In our humble opinion, the comment is the most valuable content in the above article. We disagree on other comments made in the article, such as the recommended use of orthepedics for all back pain sufferers.)
To a Healthy Spine,
Thursday, July 3, 2008
Think Twice Before Taking Pain Medication for Your Back, Neck and Sciatica Pain
Interesting Medical Information: "A 1998 report estimated that 106,000 Americans die each year as a result of adverse reactions to prescription medications. This figure represents three times the number of people killed by automobiles and is the fourth leading cause of death in the United States. Only heart disease, cancer, and stroke kill more Americans than adverse reactions to drugs. This staggering figure does not include drugs administered in error nor those taken as a suicide gesture.
If medication errors were included in this statistic, the death toll would probably be as high as 140,000 deaths per year. As a result of 39 separate studies nationwide, it was found that 3.2 out of every 1000 hospitalized patients die each year as the result of adverse reactions to prescription drugs in each and every hospital in this country.
Of the 106,000 people killed each year by an adverse reaction to a prescription drug, 43,000, or 41%, were initially admitted to the hospital because of the adverse drug reaction.The other 59%, or 63,000 patients, were hospitalized for some other cause but developed a fatal reaction to a prescription drug received while hospitalized.
(Montague, Peter. National Writers Union, UAW Local 1981/AFL-CIO. 1999. 'Another Kind of Drug Problem'. Rachel's Environment & Health Weekly' #632. January 7, 1999. [cited 2000 May 7])"
Just another reason to explore your treatment options for natural pain relief with no drugs and no surgery!
To your health,
For more options, be sure to check out http://www.BackandNeckPainResources.com/!
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Can insoles help to cure a back-ache?
The relief comes from an attempt to put your body into proper alignment. This helps to take some of the pressure away from your spine giving you a sense of relief, but there are better ways (such as stretches, exercises and a number of other alternative practices that support the body's healing).
I'm sure you'll find the article below to be quite interesting ....
Claims that shoe insoles relieve back pain are unsupported - Los Angeles Times: "The bottom line: Cushioned insoles may give a break to tired feet, but the back is another matter entirely, says Dr. Nick Shamie, assistant clinical professor of orthopedic surgery and neurosurgery with the UCLA Comprehensive Spine Center. 'If a patient asked me about insoles, I would say, 'It won't hurt. Go ahead and try it,' ' he says. 'But there's no evidence to support the claims.'
A 2007 report in the influential Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews was a blow to anyone pinning their hopes on insoles. After pooling results of six published trials of insoles and back pain, the review authors concluded that there was 'strong evidence that insoles are not effective for the prevention of back pain.' They also said there aren't enough data to say if insoles help relieve back pain once it starts."
To your health,
For more information on natural and effective ways to find neck, back and sciatica pain relief - check out www.Neck-and-Back-Pain-Resources.com!
Monday, June 30, 2008
Water's Role for a Healing Pain and a Healthy Spine
As we continue to conduct our reasearch on back, neck and sciatica pain relief for our up-coming book, "Powerful Strategies for Back and Neck Pain Relief" we're continuously reminded of the importance of proper hydration as one of many, many important ways to maintain a healthy spine and, for many, a healing for their pain.
The following is a brief mention of water's role in the spine.
Mechanics of the Intervertebral Disk: "Water can come in and out of the disk by means of small pores, which act as byways to and from the bone of the nearby vertebra. Loading of the spine, (which happens in sitting and standing) pushes the water out of the disk. Laying down allows the water to come back in. Unfortunately, the aging process is such that over time, more water leaves the disk than enters.
Unlike the muscles and organs of our bodies, the intervertebral disk has no blood supply. This means that for an intervertebral disk to receive necessary nutrition (and for wastes to be carried away), it has to rely on mechanical means and the flow of water."
To your health,
Friday, June 27, 2008
Relieve Lower Back Pain and Neck Pain: How to Sit at a Computer
How to Sit at a Computer - wikiHow: "Push your hips as far back as they can go in the chair. Adjust the seat height so that your feet are flat on the floor and your knees equal to, or slightly lower than, your hips. Adjust the back of the chair to a 100°-110° reclined angle. Make sure that your upper and lower back are supported. If necessary, use inflatable cushions or small pillows. When your chair has an active back mechanism use it to make frequent position changes. Adjust the armrests so that your shoulders are relaxed, and remove them completely if you find that they are in your way."
To your health!
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Can Back and Neck Pain be Due to Not Drinking Enough Water?
I'm sure you'll enjoy the following article that I found on the importance of hydration for back and neck pain relief as well as for healing. Enjoy!
Back Pain and Chronic Dehydration - Can Back Pain be Due to Not Drinking Enough Water?: "Obviously, smokers, alcoholics, and couch potatoes are more prone to back pain than active, healthy individuals. It also seems that everyone is more prone to episodes of low back pain when they are dehydrated and/or under extreme amounts of stress. After an initial history and examination, I set out to determine a comprehensive chiropractic treatment regime, one that would best benefit my patients suffering with back pain. This regime includes proper hydration levels by recommending increased water intake."
To your great health!
News Flash: Back and Neck Pain Can Actually Help Heal You!
... and here's why.
When you're searching for a "cure" you must be able to read what you're body's telling you and pain is the body's way of simply saying that there's something wrong.
Medicine and surgery might subdue or even remove the symptoms (and can even be invaluable in emergency situations) but removing the symptoms does little for uncovering the actual CAUSE of the pain.
When you're looking to HEAL YOURSELF you then must transform your focus from a "magic pill" to the philosophy that only YOU can heal yourself in the long term.
Healing is comes from a concerted effort of your actions, your beliefs, and the strategies you deploy to support your body's amazing ability to heal itself.
Top 5 Myths Associated with Back & Neck Pain You MUST Know
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